Business Credit Information

EUROCREDIT BUSINESS INFORMATION is a well-established business information company and debt collection agency, in possession of regular Public Security Licences ex art. 134 et 115 T.U.L.P.S., herefore authorised by both the Police Headquarters and the Prefecture.

Since 1968, entrepreneurs from all over the world, freelancers such as lawyers and accountants, have been happily requesting business information and debt collection, both extrajudicial and judicial.

The business information provided provides in-depth knowledge of customers, suppliers and business partners, reducing the risks of insolvencies and defaults.

All Eurocreditbusiness information allows you to significantly reduce the risk of insolvency, is up-to-date on the date of settlement, rich in quality content and extremely high-performance.

The delicate activity of risk management is greatly facilitated if constant recourse is made to Pre-Credit Business Information which makes it possible to find out whether or not a prospect, a customer, a supplier (or even a competitor) is subject to a Conservatory notices, and not only by means of a complete company reliability check, but also by a simple preliminary census.

No entrepreneur should develop his or her business without the valuable help that company business information can provide.

Just think of the usefulness of credit scoring or IRIDE for those operating in the agri-food sector.

Business information is also appreciated by credit managers all over the world, in particular that of EUROCREDIT BUSINESS INFORMATION because it differs from all others in that it can also be obtained through investigative insights, such as INVESTIGATED PREFIDED INVESTIGATION, which also offers an assessment of bank references.

Credit risk management finds another important support in the MONITORING service.


What are the main advantages of using business information?

Here are the main advantages of routinely using business information as a credit risk management tool.

Credit Risk Reduction

Knowing the economic and financial situation of one’s business partners makes it possible to reduce the risks of insolvency and breach of contract.

Improving Credit Management

Assessing the creditworthiness of customers makes it possible to grant credit more safely and to adopt more effective debt collection policies.

Better Informed Business Decisions

Business information provides concrete and up-to-date data that support strategic business decisions such as investments, acquisitions and partnerships.

Competitive Advantage

Having access to detailed information on competitors and the market allows you to identify opportunities and threats, keeping your company competitive.

Improving Relations with Suppliers

Knowing the financial stability of suppliers helps to choose reliable partners and to negotiate more favourable contractual conditions.

Getting business information

Business Information Companies: rely on companies specialised in the collection and analysis of business data, with a regular Prefectural Licence, such as EUROCREDIT BUSINESS INFORMATION.

Online Databases: use digital platforms, such as the one provided by EUROCREDIT BUSINESS INFORMATION, to have access to up-to-date and complete data.

Official Data: consult business registers, chambers of commerce and other public institutions.


Making regular use of business information is a fundamental practice for any company that wants to operate successfully and confidently in its market. With the data obtained through business information, it is possible to make informed decisions, reduce risks and improve business performance.


Pre-contractual Creditworthiness Check

A sharp and real picture of a company’s current situation with quick screening of customers, prospects, suppliers and competitors and with user-tailored insights. The investigative work is aimed at verifying the actual operation and also to ascertain the current economic situation

Market analysis and potential market analysis



Site inspection


Pre-Credit Business Information

Business Information reports aimed at identifying the real commercial reliability of companies in order to effectively manage the risk of insolvency. Fundamental for the development of the company’s business, with timely and high-quality content

Customized solutions according to users needs

Information on Italian and foreign companies

Reports enriched with all available and correlated Official Data

A wide range of services to meet every needs



The innovative Eurocredit Business Information system to allow users to create your own personalized business information. An intelligent modular system that makes all the modules contained in an information report available to the user

Information reports tailored to your needs

Modular and customizable reporting

Possibility to choose the profiles of the information report

Freedom to by and spend


Portfolio Check

A tool that allows you to know the commercial reliability of your portfolio of customers and/or suppliers, autonomously and in a few simple steps, obtaining the overall portfolio rating with the possibility of monitoring its trend

Customers and/or suppliers portfolio analysis

Identification of the target customer

Credit Scoring to identity the risk rate

Detrimental items monitoring



Eurocredit Business Information’s tool that allows you to constantly monitor the reliability of companies. It Integrates commercial information services dynamically in order to control over time the evaluation originally expressed on the position.

Rea-time situation at any time

Dynamic integration with information services

Email alerts and position history always available

A sentinel service ready to warn at the first negative event detected



The first community for the credit security of companies operating in the agri-food sector which allows all participants to anonymously send reports on bad payers and to consult the position of an entrepreneur or company

Anonymous reports of bad payers

Data Consultation

Full Identikit of each profile

Information protected by anonymity


Official Data

An innovative platform which allows the search of all available official data. Chamber of Commerce world at your disposal.

Chamber of commerce documens, balance, sheets and official deedsSchede società

Company details

Movable and cadastral information

Protests, Mortgages, Bankruptcy proceedings

Accurate Report of Current Business Situations for Informed Business Decisions

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